Letter Sent to Seattle Pride Highlighting Reasons for Declining Support for "LGBTQIA+" Causes on Substack
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Recent Interviews: Conflicts with Trans Activism in Schools with Gender Health Query Board Member Justine Deterling Kreher
LGBTQ NewsJustine Deterlingghq, stephanie winn, fabian liberty, libertarianism, LGB, alliance, usa, trans, parental rights, schools
The WPATH Files & Cass Report: We’ve Known About Extreme Medical Practices for Gender Dysphoria for Years
LGBTQ NewsJustine Deterlingwpath, files, michael shellenberger, mia hughes, standards of care, gender dysphoria, negligence, malpractice, affirmative model, children, teens, death, side effects, medical, ghq, 4thwavenow, phalloplasty, plurals, multiple personalities, DID, cayden carter, jesse singal
“Open Letter: Artists Against Anti-Trans Legislation in Canada" Released by Tegan & Sara is Propaganda
LGBTQ News, Editor's PicksJustine Deterlingtegan and sara, trans, youth, laws, anti, lgbt organizations, gender, dysphoria, petition, musicians, canada, danielle smith, alberta, inclusion, sports, healthcare
Lydia Polgreen's Op-Ed for the New York Times About Medicalizing Trans-Identified Minors was Misleading, Poorly Argued, & Silly
Gender Clinicians Are Not Our Friends: Johanna Olson-Kennedy Says Just Get Faux Meat Parts Later
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Gender Clinicians Are Not Our Friends: A Homosexual & Bisexual Human Rights Perspective
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Atheist & Skeptic Belief in Gender Ideology: Skepchic Rebecca Watson's Puberty Blocker Infomercial
LGBTQ NewsJustine Deterlingtransgender, trans, atheists, skeptics, rebeccawatson, skepchic, puberty, blockers, hormone, kids, abbott, texas, videos, rebecca watson
Rainbow Seditionists: Lauren Hough, Lesbian Author & Cult Survivor Gets Cancelled for Transphobia
LGBTQ NewsJustine Deterlingvideos, transgender, trans, lgbt, lesbian, cancelculture, activism, sandranewman, lauren hough, jesse singal, censorship
Atheist & Skeptic Belief in Gender Ideology & Trans Women are Women: #1 Intro
The Human Right to Desistance: A Response to Kristina Olson's Pro Underage Trans Medicalization Scientific American Article
Part 2: It’s the End of the World Where Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Youth Outgrow Gender Dysphoria without Extreme Medical Interventions (& You Feel Fine)
LGBTQ NewsJustine Deterlinggenderqueer, gender dysphoria, conflicts, medical ethics, youth, gay eugenics, articles, videos, gender-health-query, gay, lesbian, bisexual
Temporary Downtime: A New Medical Watchdog Organization About Gender Dysphoria & Future Plans for the Homoarchy
Letter Sent to PFLAG Vancouver Regarding Their Trans Protest Against Feminist Meghan Murphy: Some LGBT Community Members Support Her Right to Speak
Dr. Eve Browning Punishes a Bisexual Student at the University of Texas for Correctly Observering LGB People are Oppressed and Murdered in Islamic Countries
60-Year-Old Woman’s Face Beaten By Trans Activists Trying to Stop a Debate on Gender the Activists Had Already No-Platformed
Email Sent to the Ontario Psychological Association Regarding Dr Lisa Couperthwaite’s Call to No Platform Debate on Transgender Identity Politics
Letter to the American Psychological Association About the Safety of Youth Transgender Diagnoses to Gay/Lesbian Youth that May Outgrow Dysphoria
Letter of Concern Sent to LGBT Rights, Health, Media Orgs Over Youth Being Misdiagnosed as Transgender
Lesbophobia in Queer Culture and Why Queer Websites Like Autostraddle and AfterEllen Enable it