Recent Interviews: Conflicts with Trans Activism in Schools with Gender Health Query Board Member Justine Deterling Kreher

Trans activism schools interviews

Gender Health Query, a medical and post-modern queer theory watchdog organization for gay, lesbian, and bisexual people, recently released a document opposing radical gender identity activism in schools. Several podcasters have recently interviewed GHQ board member Justine Deterling Kreher. In these interviews, she speaks about medical harm, confused young people, erosion of parental rights, and the impacts on girls and LGB people resulting from medicalizing minors and uncoupling sex from the law. These issues will become more heated given the Biden administration is set to erase women as a class based on sex, which may lead to the elimination of all spaces, scholarships, and accommodations for girls and women.

Stephanie Winn: Some Kind of Therapist:

Propaganda Myths of Gender; Resources for Parents & Educators, with Justine Deterling

Stephanie Winn is a LCSW who is critical of trans activism’s influence in the health professions.
@sometherapist on X

LGB Alliance USA:

Justine Deterling of GHQ Discusses New Resource to Combat TQ+ Propaganda

LGBALLIANCE is an LGB human rights organization started in the UK with affiliates in different countries. They host interviews and social clubs regarding gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues.
@LGBAlliance_USA on X

Fabian Liberty:

Discussing LGB activism w/ Justine Kreher/ Chatting w/ Average Debate Enjoyer! (starts 2:54:20)

Micheal Scott is a libertarian philosopher.
@FabianLiberty on X