Outing Extremist Anti-Homosexual Rights Activism from the Left & the Right
Social liberalism in societies can ebb and flow, becoming more or less tolerant of homosexual attraction. In recent times, there has been a fantastic shift towards LGB tolerance and rights to same-sex marriage in Western countries. Same-sex attracted people initially had to be concerned with anti-homosexual sentiments and activism coming from mostly religious and socially conservative sources. This is something that will never completely go away, and it is essential to remain aware of actions coming from this group of people whose attitudes range from wanting to deny LGB people legal protections to wishing violence and death upon us. In recent times, creeping tyrannical behavior on the political left, particularly in pushing identity politics, is now threatening the health of the LGB human rights movement that had modest demands for equal treatment under the law. This is most prevalent in contemporary trans activism, whose demands are medicalizing growing children and teenagers, eradicating sex definitions in law in favor of gender identity, removing parental rights, and enforcing this through misinforming the public, threats, and career destruction.
Organizations once founded for gay and lesbian human rights (with bisexuals added more officially later) have taken on this extremist mission that is becoming increasingly alarming to the public and damaging to the LGB people they are purporting to represent in ways covered extensively on this website. LGB people are engaging in this activism themselves, mainly for tribal reasons. But many LGB people are enabling this because they are under-informed, are being lied to, or have no interest in LGBTQ identity politics because they are living their lives and have other interests.
Here we will document extremist activism harming LGB human rights, regardless of the source. It is important to recognize anyone can hurl an “extremist” accusation at anyone who disagrees with them or has a differing moral framework. This project will define extremism as engaging in the removal of legal protections for LGB people, ad hominem attacks, doxing, threatening peoples’ livelihoods and safety, histrionic false claims, lying about medical research, forced-teaming of issues, sexual harassment, and blatant and intentional prevarication and propaganda in the service of demonizing people.
[Thanks for your patience; this is a work in progress]