Website Update: We Were Right

This website was started in 2019 as a medical watchdog organization when there was little information regarding pediatric transition and its risks to LGB youth. All the predictions of concerned LGB people have come to pass (proof of poor evidence, medical damage, increased persistence, increased regret, declining public support for “LGBT” causes). Many serious people are doing quality work regarding “gender-affirming care” and youth. We will continue to update the site with relevant links to their material while our members are going to focus on confronting the incompetence, ideological extremism, and corruption in “LGBTQIA2S+” organizations.


Terms to know

AFFIRMATIVE MODEL: Gender identity is fully affirmed, often with medical transition offered to minors
GD: Gender Dysphoria
DESISTANCE/PERSISTENCE: Terms used for youths who outgrow wanting to be the opposite sex, versus those who maintain a trans identity
GENDER IDEOLOGY: Term used for trans/genderqueer ideology (a subset of “queer theory”), with roots in postmodernism. It states that literal biological sex is based on gender identity and that gender is a spectrum. It favors subjective experience over other ways of looking at the world.
GNC: Gender Nonconforming
FtM: Female to Male Trans Person
INFORMED CONSENT MODEL: Gatekeeping processes are removed but the patient (even a minor) is informed of medical consequences
MtF: Male to Female Trans Person
SRS: Sex Reassignment Surgery
WPATH: World Professional Association for Transgender Health

”LGBT”: This is in quotes on the GHQ website because despite its widespread use, there is no such thing as an “LGBT person” or united “LGBT agenda” and the constant use of the term creates a false impression that there is. LGB people and trans people have different needs and viewpoints between and within their populations.

Here is a complete list of references.


2) Consequences & permanent side-effects that result from the use of hormone blockers

A. Hormone blockers to cross-sex hormones stunts genital growth & may permanently damage sexual function
-Need for a more complex surgery
-Affirmative therapists/doctors have made the decision that preventing normal genital development is worth relieving the mental distress of a tween; many adult MTFs choose not to have bottom surgery
-Professionals admit their treatment plans may negatively impact or permanently destroy a youth's sexual functioning
-Transfemme persons without bottom surgery find partners so why is this protocol “medically necessary”?
-Blockers shut down the hormonal process in a developing tween/teen, which may affect sexual psychological maturation.
B. Hormone blockers to cross-sex hormones causes sterilization
-There are many examples of trans people with biological children or who want them
-Summary sterilization issues
C. Other puberty blocker effects that may not be fully reversible
-Puberty blockers & negative effects on mental health, physical health, & IQ
-Effects specific to males
-Is reducing distress & passing better a good argument for disregarding possible hormone blocker risks?
D. Many effects of cross-sex hormones are irreversible & long-term effects on minors & young adults who transition are unknown, as most research is on late transitioning MtFs & FtMs
-Adult studies on hormone safety do not translate to early medical intervention cohorts
-Testosterone side effects
-Estrogen side effects
E. Surgery on minors
F. Conclusion, medical consequences
-Not all trans people agree with medical techniques being performed on minors
-Pros & cons of early medical treatment
Topic 2 (Part 2): 2023
Updates Topic 2
Topic 2 Links

4) Affirmative model mental health professionals & doctors & statements suggesting lack of concrete knowledge of long-term safety & effects on desistance

A. Statements admitting trans health care professionals are socially & medically experimenting on their patients
B. Possible adult professional influence on trans-identification in minors
C. Unsubstantiated claims it is known that social transitions are “fully reversible”
-Multiple statements on the “reversibility” of an early gender social transition
-Evidence social transitions may in fact increase persistence
-Not all gender professionals support early social transition
D. Unsubstantiated claims it is known that hormone blockers are “fully reversible” & that they are beneficial to the child’s decision-making process about their gender
-Physical effects of giving children hormone blockers to cross-sex hormones may not be not reversible
-Multiple statements on the “reversibility” of hormone blockers
-Hormone blockers may effect the gender identity of the youth & increases persistence
E. Obscuring desistance
-Multiple statements by affirmative model mental & medical health professionals seeming to downplay desistance
-Methodological flaws arguments don’t prove desistance numbers are statistically irrelevant
-Framing discussions of desistance as transphobic possibly to avoid ethics discussion around risks to desisting children
-Gender dysphoria experts who acknowledge desistance
-“I am a girl” versus “I wish I was a girl” presented as a way to soundly diagnose “true trans” children
F. Obscuring the link between gender dysphoria & adult homosexuality / bisexuality
-Gender dysphoria & its connection to adult homosexuality or bisexuality
-Affirmative model advocates seeming to avoid discussion of the connection between adult homosexuality & childhood gender dysphoria
-Desisters were really closeted trans people
G. Statements demonstrating lack of clear diagnostic criteria
-Apples, oranges, & fruit salad
-Confidence among affirmative model advocates without solid evidentiary backing for the safety of protocols they promote
-Problems with The Trans Youth Project Study & NIH study
-Gender dysphoria as a “normal variation” in human beings
H. Miscellaneous comments
I. Promote the idea that parents only have 2 options, transition their child or teen or they will kill themselves
J. Alleged possible conflicts of interest due do financial gain for pushing off label use of drugs
Updates Topic 4
American Academy of Pediatrics Case Study (overlaps with Topics 5 & 16)
Topic 4 Links

10) Nature versus nurture: What other factors besides “innate gender identity” contribute to trans identification in young people

-Innate nature: research supporting biological factors in trans & homosexual identities
-A study that may help distinguish trans brains from homosexual brains
-Is autogynephilia an innate gender identity? A controversial diagnosis but clearly observable phenomena
-Are non-binary identities, heterosexual female FtM identities, & autistic trans identities biologically innate?
-Some general quotes supporting the relevance of nurture in trans identity
-Anecdotal examples of the blurry line between gnc gay & trans, Marsha P. Johnson & Sylvia Rivera
A. Anti-gay/lesbian/bisexual, tomboy, & female attitudes can fuel trans identification
-Homophobia & trans identity
-Examples of a female inferiority complex
-Pressure on adult gender nonconforming gays & lesbians to transition, it is reasonable to be concerned about cultural effects on children & teens
-Some trans activists are aware of the homophobia in the general public & intentionally distance themselves from LGB rights activism in order to access schools
-Some cultures are more accepting of transgenderism than homosexuality
B. Evidence of parental influences on a child’s transgender identity
-Some parents may prefer their child medically transition than be a future gay or lesbian adult
-Parental support & even enthusiasm to transition their child
-Adopted children, children in single-parent homes, & from certain socioeconomic backgrounds appear more likely to have gender dysphoria
-Psychological factors in parents may influence gender dysphoria in children
C. Psychological issues & environment influencing a trans identification
-Other mental illnesses may blend with or fuel a trans identification in the current cultural climate

-Plural & other disassociated individuals
-Conclusion, psychological issues
D. Social contagion & peer pressure
-Is the explosion in gender dysphoria, whose increase is promulgated by media & social media, following a pattern of other socially contagious mental illnesses?
-Demographics of gay, lesbian, bisexual youth & youth with GD have changed, more homosexuals, & bisexual & heterosexual females, are identifying as trans
-Social status & peer pressure
-Can porn use or anime fuel gender dysphoria?
E. Are there cultures where trans youth do not experience distress or urges to self-harm; are their cultures that increase the likelihood of gender dysphoria?
F. Alternative coping strategies
G. Conclusion, culture
Updates Topic 10
Topic 10 Links

12) Cultural ripple effects, psychological consequences, & rights conflicts arising from gender ideology & increases of trans-identified young people

A. Gender confusion, sexual confusion, & a neurotic obsession with gender & identity in young people
-Many mental health & medical doctors support gender ideology (queer theory), what are gender affirming professionals teaching young people?
-Affirmative clinicians & public-school systems enthusiastically promote trans/genderqueer ideology, how is this actually affecting young people in the real world?
-Building a culture of validation & normalization for all outlying identities
-Intense fixation on bathroom use as societal identity endorsement
-Pronoun diversity etiquette, respectful acknowledgement of people who are different or a promotion of an unhealthy obsession with identity politics?
-Belief that trans people are literally the opposite sex is causing conflict with those who believe the trans experience differs from that of males & females who are not trans
-An attitude of entitlement to emotional & sexual access to others based on gender identity
***Liberal entities & mental health professionals promote the concept sexual orientation is problematic & bigoted
***Sexual orientation is transphobic if it’s not gender identity orientation
***Lesbians are by far the most common targets of transphobia & bigotry accusations for not changing their sexuality
***Sexual orientation as bigotry is a mainstream liberal media position
***Gender fraud law, fighting for the right to sexual deception
***Trans people who speak out against a culture of shaming people for having sexual orientations
B. A regressive ideology that over-emphasizes gender stereotypes
C. A culture glorifying body dysphoria, plastic surgery, & hormonal body modifications to achieve not only a full gender transition, but to support an androgynous aesthetic for non-binary identities, often for amorphous reasons
-Critics of online trans/genderqueer youth culture believe it is fueling female body dysphoria, making gender dysphoria trendy, drawing in young people with other mental illnesses, & is creating an overly casual attitude towards surgical & hormonal body modifications
-Cultural celebration of breast binding, double mastectomy & non-binary double mastectomies, reinforced by magazines for youth & school endorsement of binding policies dysmorphic disorder, or a combination?
D. An unhealthy peer pressure environment
E. Rights conflicts & safety concerns
-Dysphoric biological males in bathrooms & locker rooms
-There have already been incidences with trans students involving mixing genders in school bathrooms: it is not a total “non-issue” as it is often portrayed as by activists
-MtFs on female sports teams
-Parental rights concerns regarding gender & name changes at school
-Changing the meaning of sexual orientation
-Violation of rights to free thought & speech of others
-Trans identification wielded to seek special attention/power at school & elsewhere
-Any conflicts in school environments must be handled with calm & respect a culture of shunning trans youth or demonizing others with concerns is not productive or good role modeling
Updates Topic 12
Topic 12 Links

15) “Transition your child without question or they will kill themselves”; A COMMON MANTRA; SUICIDE STATS REVIEWED

A. Suicide is socially contagious
B. Adult suicide stats: does medical transition reduce suicide risk?
-What studies indicate medical transition in adults reduces suicide risk?
-Below studies indicate transition may not reduce suicide risk in adults
-Studies below do not address suicidality but show poor outcomes related to medical transition
C. Youth suicide stats
-Below studies indicate social & medical transition of minors alleviates suicide risk
-Information indicating that the threat of a child/teen committing suicide is exaggerated & that parental support & access to medical support doesn’t prevent suicides in some cases
D. Use of suicide threat to promote social & medical transition of young people
-Media promoting the “transition or suicide” narrative
-Affirmative model professionals who promote the “transition or suicide” narrative
-Support Groups, LGBT organizations, & trans activists who promote the “transition or suicide” narrative
-The suicide narrative is highly effective in pushing parents & professionals into rapid gender affirmation & medical transitions
-Youths online are actually encouraged to threaten suicide
-Is it possible social contagion, media exposure, & online culture (negatively impacting all youth) are increasing suicide ideation in gnc youth?
-Professionals, journalists, & parents concerned about members of the therapy & medical community pushing the “transition or suicide” narrative
E. Suicide ideation in LGB youth is similarly high indicating access to medical technology is not the only important issue
F. Conclusion, suicide risk: is it ethical & justifiable for LGBT orgs, the media, mental & medical health professionals to use suicide to promote the affirmation model?
-Discourse is violating reporting standards recommend for discussing suicide in LGBT youth
Updates Topic 15 Posts
Topic 15 Links