Original post below
*Some studies using brain scans do not control for sexual orientation, autogybephilia v homosexual transsexualism, or pre v post hormone use. Beware.
Prevalence of Nonheterosexual Identity and Same-Sex Sexual Contact Among High School Students in the US From 2015 to 2019
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) (2.03% of youth ID in 2021)
Nonbinary LGBTQ Adults in the United States (higher rates of mental illness)
How Defined Is Gender Identity in People with Body Integrity Dysphoria?
Mental Healthcare Utilization of Transgender Youth Before and After Affirming Treatment
Psychological Functioning in Non-binary Identifying Adolescents and Adults
Predicting outcomes of cross-sex hormone therapy in transgender individuals with gender incongruence based on pre-therapy resting-state brain connectivity (interesting study but too small to be conclusive of anything)
Life satisfaction and mental health among transgender students in Norway
Neuroimaging gender dysphoria: a novel psychobiological model
After the trans brain: a critique of the neurobiological accounts of embodied trans* identities
Mental Health of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth Compared With Their Peers Psychiatric characteristics in transsexual individuals: multicentre study in four European countries
The health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand
The frequency of personality disorders in patients with gender identity disorder
Personality Disorders and Personality Profiles in a Sample of Transgender Individuals Requesting Gender-Affirming Treatments (they note high rates of PDs, but can’t bring themselves to suggest the trans-identification is a function of the PD, an obvious point to consider)
A review of clinical approaches to gender dysphoria
Behavioral Health Diagnoses in Youth with Gender Dysphoria Compared with Controls: A PEDSnet Study
Referrals to Gender Clinics in Sweden Drop After Media Coverage
Association of Media Coverage on Transgender Health With Referrals to Child and Adolescent Gender Identity Clinics in Sweden
Low Perinatal Androgens Predict Recalled Childhood Gender Nonconformity in Men
A PRISMA systematic review of adolescent gender dysphoria literature: 1) Epidemiology
Brain Sex in Transgender Women Is Shifted towards Gender Identity
Do Children With Gender Dysphoria Have Intense/Obsessional Interests?
Prevalence of Mental Health Problems in Transgender Children Aged 9 to 10 Years in the US, 2018
Theories on the Link Between Autism Spectrum Conditions and Trans Gender Modality: a Systematic Review
Psychiatric Diagnoses Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients Compared to Cisgender Patients
Mental Healthcare Utilization of Transgender Youth Before and After Affirming Treatment
The nature of co-morbid psychopathology in adolescents with gender dysphoria
Demographics and gender-related measures in younger and older adolescents presenting to a gender service
Autogynephilia and Science: A Response to Moser (2022) and Serano and Veale (2022)
Can evolutionary thinking shed light on gender diversity?
Short-Term Effects of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy on Dysphoria and Quality of Life in Transgender Individuals: A Prospective Controlled Study (abstract sounds happier than actual data)
Transidentities and autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review
Eating disorder symptomatology among transgender individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Are transgender people satisfied with their lives? (note no diff. in satification between medicalized and not)
Co-occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents
Traumatic stress symptoms and PTSD risk in children served by Children's Advocacy Centers
Prevalence of substance use and mental health problems among transgender and cisgender U.S. adults: Results from a national probability sample (nonbinaries worse off than binaries)
The risk of psychosis for transgender individuals: a Dutch national cohort study
National Estimates of Gender-Affirming Surgery in the US
Gender-affirming treatment and mental health diagnoses in Danish transgender persons: a nationwide register-based cohort study (Controls and TG patients all accumulate psychiatric morbidity as time goes on)
Testosterone use and sexual function among transgender men and gender diverse people assigned female at birth (note 78% of participants reported sexual abuse history, 50% sexual assault)
Gender as the New Language of Teen Rebellion
Treatment Goals of Adolescents and Young Adults for Gender Dysphoria
Fluidity in Reporting Gender Identity Labels in a Sample of Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents and Young Adults, Los Angeles, California, and New Orleans, Louisiana, 2017-2019 ("Of 235 TGD participants, 77% (n = 181) changed their identities at least once and 17% (n = 39) changed their identities ≥2 times")