Topic 8 Links
Original post below
Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey
Debate: Reality check - Detransitioner's testimonies require us to rethink gender dysphoria
Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey
Debate: Reality check –Detransitioner’s testimonies require us to rethink gender dysphoria
Endocrinological Follow-Up Characteristics of People Diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria in Turkey
Gender detransition: a case study
Continuation of Gender-affirming Hormones Among Transgender Adolescents and Adults (authors use ideological language and it’s not a great study, but hormone disconuation rates are of interest)
Regret after Gender-affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prevalence
A nuanced look into youth journeys of gender transition and detransition
Navigating Detransition Borders: An Exploration of Social Media Narratives
Transition Regret and Detransition: Meanings and Uncertainties
The Detransition Rate Is Unknown
-Table 1 Some studies sampling regret and detransition times
Detransition needs further understanding, not controversy
Gender detransition: A critical review of the literature
Rethinking Extremity Through Gender Detransition
Reidentification With Birth-Registered Sex in a Western Australian Pediatric Gender Clinic Cohort
A qualitative metasummary of detransition experiences with recommendations for psychological support
Pediatric Palliative Care of a Transgender Adolescent
Discontinuation of Gender-Affirming Medical Treatments: Prevalence and Associated Features in a Nonprobabilistic Sample of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Adolescents and Young Adults in Canada and the United States
Clinical considerations and endocrinological implications in the detransition process
A More Nuanced Story: Pediatric Gender-Affirming Healthcare is Associated With Satisfaction and Confidence (poor quality, biased study- huge loss to follow ups, etc)
Misinformation Related to Discontinuation and Regret Among Adolescents Receiving Gender-Affirming Care (biased in verbiage, poor quality, biased study- huge loss to follow ups, etc)
Continuation of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy in Transgender and Gender-Diverse Individuals: A Systematic Review (poor study- cites terrible studies such as Bustos)
Levels of Satisfaction and Regret With Gender-Affirming Medical Care in Adolescence (4% regret. Satisfaction rates aren’t the same as MH benefits. 13% lost to follow up, They excluded 7 kids who reported high regret and high satisfaction. They assessed bone density by asking the kids if they had any "bone density issues."- low quality study overall)
-High Rate Of Satisfaction With Gender-Transition Treatment In Adolescents Who Socially Transitioned Very Young, Study Finds
Accurate transition regret and detransition rates are unknown
Prevalence of detransition in persons seeking gender-affirming hormonal treatments: a systematic review (The review includes poor quality studies unfortunately)
AusPATH: Activism influencing health policy
Narratives of Adults Registered Female at Birth Who Started a Medical Transition and Later Detransitioned
Health during Medical Transition in a US and Canadian Sample of Early Socially Transitioned Transgender Youth (biased language, high rates of exclusion due to possible change in gender identity - 53/236 for the trans group. and high for the other non-trans groups)
A Retrospective Cohort Study of Transgender Adolescents' Gender-Affirming Hormone Discontinuation (6 month follow up)
-In the abstract they write that '5 (0.5%) individuals did so because they reidentified with the gender associated with their sex assigned at birth. This represents less than 1 percent of the cohort.'In the actual text you find this:
”Out of 1,224 individuals who had started GAH at the time that data were abstracted for this study, 1,050 had been on GAH for a minimum of 6 months. This group constituted the study population. Of those 1,050, 973 (93%) had been on GAH continuously as of last contact, although 210 had not been heard from for >12 months with no documented information that they had transferred care.”
-That is 17.1% lost to follow up
The evolution of pediatric transgender healthcare in Flanders: Trends in referrals, intakes and gender-affirming interventions over the last 15 years (high suicide rate in females)
A first look at the results of the largest detransition study to date: the DARE study (unfortunately, a rather low quality study)