Topic 8 Links

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Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey

Debate: Reality check - Detransitioner's testimonies require us to rethink gender dysphoria

Individuals Treated for Gender Dysphoria with Medical and/or Surgical Transition Who Subsequently Detransitioned: A Survey of 100 Detransitioners

Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey

Debate: Reality check –Detransitioner’s testimonies require us to rethink gender dysphoria

Endocrinological Follow-Up Characteristics of People Diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria in Turkey

Gender detransition: a case study

Continuation of Gender-affirming Hormones Among Transgender Adolescents and Adults (authors use ideological language and it’s not a great study, but hormone disconuation rates are of interest)

Detransition Among Transgender and Gender-Diverse People—An Increasing and Increasingly Complex Phenomenon

Discharge outcome analysis of 1089 transgender young people referred to paediatric endocrine clinics in England 2008–2021

Regret after Gender-affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prevalence

A nuanced look into youth journeys of gender transition and detransition

A high number of adolescents experience changes in their sexual attractions and orientation, study suggests

Individuals treated for gender dysphoria with medical and/or surgical transition who subsequently detransitioned: a survey of 7 detransitioners

Navigating Detransition Borders: An Exploration of Social Media Narratives

Transition Regret and Detransition: Meanings and Uncertainties

The Detransition Rate Is Unknown
-Table 1 Some studies sampling regret and detransition times

Detransition needs further understanding, not controversy

Gender detransition: A critical review of the literature

Exploring the gender care experiences and perspectives of individuals who discontinued their transition or detransitioned in Canada

Rethinking Extremity Through Gender Detransition

Reidentification With Birth-Registered Sex in a Western Australian Pediatric Gender Clinic Cohort

Fertility preservation choices and decisional regret after gender-affirming surgery in transgender men or gender nonbinary persons

A qualitative metasummary of detransition experiences with recommendations for psychological support

Pediatric Palliative Care of a Transgender Adolescent

Discontinuation of Gender-Affirming Medical Treatments: Prevalence and Associated Features in a Nonprobabilistic Sample of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Adolescents and Young Adults in Canada and the United States

Clinical considerations and endocrinological implications in the detransition process

A More Nuanced Story: Pediatric Gender-Affirming Healthcare is Associated With Satisfaction and Confidence (poor quality, biased study- huge loss to follow ups, etc)

Misinformation Related to Discontinuation and Regret Among Adolescents Receiving Gender-Affirming Care (biased in verbiage, poor quality, biased study- huge loss to follow ups, etc)

Continuation of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy in Transgender and Gender-Diverse Individuals: A Systematic Review (poor study- cites terrible studies such as Bustos)

Levels of Satisfaction and Regret With Gender-Affirming Medical Care in Adolescence (4% regret. Satisfaction rates aren’t the same as MH benefits. 13% lost to follow up, They excluded 7 kids who reported high regret and high satisfaction. They assessed bone density by asking the kids if they had any  "bone density issues."- low quality study overall)
-High Rate Of Satisfaction With Gender-Transition Treatment In Adolescents Who Socially Transitioned Very Young, Study Finds

Accurate transition regret and detransition rates are unknown

Treatment trajectories among children and adolescents referred to the Norwegian National Center for Gender Incongruence

Prevalence of detransition in persons seeking gender-affirming hormonal treatments: a systematic review (The review includes poor quality studies unfortunately)

AusPATH: Activism influencing health policy

Narratives of Adults Registered Female at Birth Who Started a Medical Transition and Later Detransitioned

Health during Medical Transition in a US and Canadian Sample of Early Socially Transitioned Transgender Youth (biased language, high rates of exclusion due to possible change in gender identity - 53/236 for the trans group. and high for the other non-trans groups)

A Retrospective Cohort Study of Transgender Adolescents' Gender-Affirming Hormone Discontinuation (6 month follow up)
In the abstract they write that '5 (0.5%) individuals did so because they reidentified with the gender associated with their sex assigned at birth. This represents less than 1 percent of the cohort.'In the actual text you find this:
”Out of 1,224 individuals who had started GAH at the time that data were abstracted for this study, 1,050 had been on GAH for a minimum of 6 months. This group constituted the study population. Of those 1,050, 973 (93%) had been on GAH continuously as of last contact, although 210 had not been heard from for >12 months with no documented information that they had transferred care.”
-That is 17.1% lost to follow up

“They’re Unable to See my Decision to Detransition for What it is”: How Detrans Youth Perceive and Receive Discourses on Detransition

The evolution of pediatric transgender healthcare in Flanders: Trends in referrals, intakes and gender-affirming interventions over the last 15 years (high suicide rate in females)

Making Light of Detransition

A first look at the results of the largest detransition study to date: the DARE study (unfortunately, a rather low quality study)