Letter Sent to Seattle Pride Highlighting Reasons for Declining Support for "LGBTQIA+" Causes on Substack
If people would like to know why there is declining support for gay marriage and "LGBTQ+" activism, this letter sent to the Seattle Pride organization, signed by LGB people with connections to Washington State, explains it very clearly:
Letter Sent to Seattle Pride Highlighting Reasons for Declining Support for "LGBTQIA+" Causes
The letter blames "LGBTQ" activism and highlights three main reasons.
“1) Trans activism’s central goals are reinforcing trans-identities in very young children, medicalizing them at early ages with health-damaging and irreversible effects, and eradicating all sex-based definitions in law which eliminate the legal definition of a homosexual or female person and destroy sex-segregated places like girls’ sports, locker rooms, prisons, and rape crises centers (most biological males who transition are sexually attracted to women). Trans activism enforces this political agenda by misinforming the public about consequential health information and rights impacts on others and threatening people with career destruction, slander, and violence. Many people, especially parents with kids in public schools, are very aware of this.
2) There is hypersexualized behavior in front of children or directly involving children at both Pride parades and supposedly “family-friendly” drag and Pride events. This includes Seattle Pride. No one can pretend this blatantly inappropriate behavior isn’t happening. This is well-documented in pictures and videos, and ignoring it reflects poorly on people claiming to be our “LGBTQ+” leaders. Some incidents have involved men with felony criminal records, including registered sex offenders.
3) Same-sex attraction, gender dysphoria, and political orthodoxy are separate phenomena, yet supposedly inclusive “LGBTQ+” activist groups and media promote and enforce narrow, ideological positions around their specific views of sex and gender, specifically transgenderism, as a social justice issue. They promote radical and unscientific ideas about gender and human biology, promote Pollyanna-liberationist visions around tearing down social boundaries, and ostracize those not in agreement as bigots, explaining why parents and others don’t want these ideas promoted as truth in schools and youth programs such as GSAs. These ideas are generally heavily influenced by particular realms in academia that are the least grounded in academic rigor, rationality, and evidence, such as critical theory, queer theory, and gender studies. Most people want diversity, inclusion, and justice but don’t all agree on how to achieve this. ”
Most gay/lesbian/bisexual people have no idea what is going on with "LGBTQ" identity politics and activism. Interestingly, Facebook blocked the link to the Substack letter, claiming it violated their community standards. This is likely due to an algorithm looking for the terms "groomers" and "LGBTQ" in one article. It is a contentious word that some (including LGB and trans-identified people) use for "LGBTQ" activists who encourage minors to medicalize their gender dysphoria and explore their sexuality at developmentally inappropriate ages. So, Facebook is censoring people from addressing their minority group issues and needs, including the need for frank discussions about bad actors using our activism as a front for abuse. The written version contains many links to articles and disturbing images supporting our claims. But there is also an audio version.