The WPATH Files & Cass Report: We’ve Known About Extreme Medical Practices for Gender Dysphoria for Years
News Commentary
by Justine Deterling
The purpose of this article is to establish the fact extreme “gender affirming care” has been going on long before the WPATH Files were released demonstrating medical harm and the Cass Report came out concluding weak evidence justifying these practices on minors. Provided is a link to transcriptions and audio files highlighting these cases from a 2017 Gender Odyssey conference. Micheal Shellenberger, Mia Hughes, and Dr. Hillary Cass deserve credit for laying this bare to the public. The information is posted here to add to the documentation process for anyone researching this subject. Some graphic photos are posted to reinforce the fact trans “medicine” is experimental, radical, and severe.
Some History of Extremist “Gender Affirming Care” & Those Who Covered It
Some scientific caveats, none of these involve random assignment. I think every single person involved in this debate agrees that the scientific claim that we really want to randomly assign people would be the most unethical behavior ever [giggles]. So, we are not going to say you get hormones and you don’t. No one’s ever going to do that.
-Dr. Kristina Olson, psychologist & lead researcher for The Trans Youth Project, discussing transition studies on minors, Gender Odyssey 2017
In 2017, I attended a trans identity medicalization conference in Seattle organized by a group called Gender Odyssey. At the time, I had researched pediatric medical transition as a citizen-skeptic since 2015, but I was still willing to consider that some of what they were doing was helping young people with gender dysphoria. The conference was for both health professionals and parents. The experience was surreal. I came away with the impression the conference was highly agenda-driven, to the point of being a cult-dynamic. The information they presented was designed to obscure serious risks and promote medicalization to all who ask for it as a birthright. It was clear to me they would meet any dissent from their worldview with consternation. I had little faith in anyone’s ability to have a rational cost/benefit discussion. I was disturbed by the fact that nonbinary-identified women were asking questions about identifying nonbinary children. These women and their obsessions about their gender were going to be the only future role models little tomboys and sissy boys would have, concerning given the chemical castration protocols these health professionals follow. Some of the cases the conference presenters discussed involved medicalizing very mentally and physically unwell children and adults. The disregard for the value of an intact body and endocrine system was all-consuming.
The WPATH Files is a recently released project that exposes this “gender-affirming care” model. It was written by Mia Hughes and promoted by journalist Michael Shellenberger on Environmental Progress. They obtained the information from documents, communications, and videos from within WPATH, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, an organization formed to set “standards of care.” While the organization is an activist organization, it has much power to influence mental health and medical institutions in Western countries. The leaked material reveals health-damaging medical procedures, patients as practice subjects for extreme protocols, and that they know they are not providing informed consent to minors and their parents. Creators of The WPATH Files state WPATH members are not following “evidence-based medicine”. The London Times went so far as to call it “quack medicine”. Hughes and Shellenberger both deserve praise for using a larger platform to bring this issue out of the realm of small activist circles like mine and to the attention of the public
Some examples of patient incidences are summarized in an X thread by Shellenberger.
Victims include a 10-year-old girl, a 13-year-old developmentally delayed adolescent, and individuals suffering from schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses.
The injuries described in the WPATH Files include sterilization, loss of sexual function, liver tumors, and death.
WPATH members indicate repeatedly that they know that many children and their parents don’t understand the effects that puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries will have on their bodies. And yet, they continue to perform and advocate for gender medicine.
A renowned pediatrician has released the Cass Report in the UK, likely the best systematic review study of the subject matter of transitioning gender dysphoric minors to date. It is critical of the narrative pro-pediatric-transition health professions have promoted to the public from the beginning. Pro-transition health professions are so fanatical they refused to hand over relevant health information on patients at gender clinics to this government-sponsored study involving a public health care system.
The examples covered in the WPATH files have been going on for years. The first places I saw the most extreme cases of "gender-affirming care" go back as far as 2015 on the sites GenderTrender, run by Gallus Mag (alias), a lesbian critical of the trans movement, and 4thWaveNow, a website for people skeptical of the safety and efficacy of the affirmative model for minors, headed by Denise Caignon. These women are responsible for informing so many of the people who began to oppose what is going on.
WordPress shut down the Gallus Mag site and stealthily edited one of 4thwaveNow's pages at one point. This happened around an incident involving Jessica Yaniv, a trans activist who was attempting to use Canadian anti-discrimination law to force women running Brazilian waxing businesses, sometimes in their homes, to remove hair from his trans “woman" scrotal sack. Autogynephilia is a central drive of heterosexual men who transition, and it is well-known there are sexual motivations behind it that make forcing women to participate in the fantasy extremely unethical. Twitter banned feminist Meghan Murphy from Twitter (now X) for referring to him as a man.
The articles below document the Big Tech censorship common at the time (and now).
WordPress employees sanitize GenderTrender statement, manually redacting name of one individual
WordPress censors GenderTrender; Gallus Mag responds
How I learned to love free speech
One of the earliest examples they exposed (after Caignon alerted Gallus Mag) was a campaign for a Down syndrome female who was in intensive care during the period of the fundraiser.
She had previously suffered from other health issues, including leukemia, according to other information gathered by a blog called Dirt for Dirt (another lesbian blog). Down syndrome people tend to have more serious health problems, and it is surprising everyone around this person did not have second thoughts about putting her on testosterone. The fundraising request was posted by Aydin Olson-Kennedy, spouse of Johanna Olson-Kennedy, a pediatrician who is at the head of the push for medicalizing minors.
Caignon covers some of the more shocking cases of the affirmative model she has documented over the years in an X thread here. TransgenderTrend (founded by Stephanie Davies-Arai) in the UK and 4thWaveNow were sister sites of sorts in the early days of revealing the recklessness trans medicine was inflicting on minors that has led to the increase in attention we see now.
4thWaveNow featured an article called “Not plural-phobic” (2017). focusing on WPATH member Dan Karasic and others. Affirmative model advocates will medicalize “plurals,” “alters,” and “furries” (trans-species).
4thWaveNow screen cap of Facebook post
Jesse Singal was the first serious reporter to address the controversies and obvious risks of “gender affirming care” practiced on minors. He has continued to do excellent work in this area, exposing weakness, and at times, fraudulent claims in studies. This is what happened to him after publishing his first article, “How the Fight Over Transgender Kids Got a Leading Sex Researcher Fired” in 2016 and subsequent analysis:
The LGB medical watchdog project we feature here, Gender Health Query (started in 2019), has a section on so-called dissociative identity disorder (DID) and plurals. There is a community of plurals who work at Google, as fantasy worlds and disassociated states in trans-identified individuals and others are becoming normalized in the most public settings.
The feminist news site REDUXX and Genevieve Gluck have done quality journalistic work documenting the most extreme and bizarre examples of contemporary trans activism. Below are articles about WPATH’s inclusion of eunuch gender in its guidelines, seeking input from men involved in online discussion groups that involve self-castration desires and sexual fantasies involving the castration, rape, and murder of boys.
“Top Trans Medical Association Collaborated With Castration, Child Abuse Fetishists”
All realms may harbor predators unknowingly. However, WPATH is receiving feedback from men hosting child murder and castration fantasies, advocating for removing age of consent laws to enable castrating boys in real life. This is the affirmative model.
There are other heinous examples of "transgender medicine." Doctors are administering lactation drugs to trans-identified men who want to breastfeed. This is disturbing given that physiologic autogynephilia is a paraphilic, erotic drive where the man is aroused by mimicking the bodily functions of women. There are pictures on the internet now of men (“trans women”) latching babies onto their nipples with “progessive” healthcare providers defending this practice as wholesome.
Doctors want to create better results than they get with phalloplasty surgeries that involve desleeving arm flesh, patching the area with another large skin graph taken from the leg, sewing the arm-flesh tube to the groin area, and threading the urethra so the female can stand to urinate. It has a very high complication rate. People have almost died and have wound up in ilioestomy bags from this procedure.
The aesthetic results of phalloplasty are horrible as they leave the person severely scarred and with limited function in the lower arm.
Researchers have been killing female dogs in experiments that attach flesh from human cadavers onto their bodies to try to make the dream of a more aesthetically pleasing and functional "trans man" penis come true. REDUXX also exposed this.
“Dogs Are Being Horribly Abused” : Animal Rights Advocates, Gender Critical Users Express Outrage At Chinese Study Which Mutilated Female Dogs To Create “Neo-Phalluses”
Gender Health Query covers some of the other practices of "gender-affirming care", such as rectosigmoid vaginoplasty (some performed on minors) that have subpar results, odor problems, and a need for lifetime dilation of the surgical wound. Nullo surgeries may involve removing the penis and vulva altogether for various eunuch and “nonbinary” identities. “LGBTQ+” organizations for youth validate these identities.
In more recent years, The Free Press, founded by Bari Weiss, became an example of what alternative media could do to counter legacy media avoiding topics the hard left doesn’t want covered. The Free Press was willing to provide a platform to whistle-blowers that the New York Times or the Washington Post never would have. Jamie Reed and Tamara Pietzke told their stories after being inside gender clinics and being pressured to transition extremely abused and unwell minors. One of Pietzke’s cases also identified as a dog, something no one else saw as a problem. Jamie Reed and Tamara Pietzke (a MultiCare employee) were at respected institutions, such as St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Mary Bridge Hospital. Conservative activist and public thinker Christopher Rufo helped boost the voice of whistleblower Eithan Haim on his own Substack.
The Canadian government recently approved a state-funded surgery where the man will keep his penis and receive a vaginoplasty. Any request is valid to the affirmative model and the governments that embrace it.
REDUXX reported this individual has a diaper fetish and sees himself as a “trans baby”.
Trans medicine doctors have been experimenting with using fish skin to construct vaginoplasties. Marcie Bowers, president of WPATH, has discussed this issue.
Some of the surgeons who operate on minors have also displayed a sense of ghoulish delight in the flesh slicing they engage in.
Dr. Giancarlo McEvenue covered in the Toronto Sun
Dr Sidhbh Gallagher social media accounts
This is all aside from the sterilization, bone impacts, and probable brain wiring impacts from the affirmative model practiced on minors. And we know the male children they have essentially used as lab rats have been sexually lobotomized before they were old enough to have sex, or perhaps even a crush.
In the link provided in this article to the Gender Odyssey conference one can find that Johanna Olson-Kennedy didn’t think through this possible outcome, treating something as critical as sexual function as an afterthought. We also know the first person to receive “gender-affirming care,” Lili Elbe, died in 1931, and one of the youths in the small study pioneering the “Dutch protocol” on minors died from vaginoplasty complications.
Gender Odyssey 2017 & “Complicated Cases”
At the Gender Odyssey conference in 2017, presenters Michelle Angello (LCSW) and Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy talked about some extreme cases. I am providing audio and a transcription of the most relevant quotes and timestamps to add to the documentation of the affirmative care model. They show many Kaiser Permanente health professionals were at the conference. They demonstrate the types of behavior seen in the WPATH Files and Cass Report have been going on for years. None of the information that has come out since this 2017 conference has changed their protocols or ideological stance. This is despite evidence of sexuality destruction, transition regret, bone impacts, and studies that demonstrate transition may not reduce suicide risk. Some quotes already appear on 4thWaveNow and Gender Health Query. Some segments from Michelle Angello’s talk were meandering back-and-forth conversations. In those cases, I have provided time stamps and summary explanations rather than complete transcriptions for any writers who may delve into this topic. I only provide transcribed quotes from the presenters for the audio files containing private-citizen parent voices. Below are some of the subject matter:
Medical Experimentation & Severe Side Effects
Medicalization of Youth with Shifting Identities
Suicide Catastrophizing
Psychotic and Disassociated Gender Dysphoric Patients
Downplaying BMI and Surgery Risks
Patient Regret
Genderqueer Theory
Let’s revisit Dr. Kristina Olson’s quote:
Some scientific caveats, none of these involve random assignment. I think every single person involved in this debate agrees that the scientific claim that we really want to randomly assign people would be the most unethical behavior ever [giggles]. So, we are not going to say you get hormones and you don’t. No one’s ever going to do that.
I understand that the phrase “the most unethical behavior ever” is a figure of speech. But individuals such as Kristina Olson, who has spent her career downplaying desistance research and protesting rollbacks on underage medicalization, really do believe developmentally critical puberty is an atrocity for a gender dysphoric minor, while any harm that could come from the policies she supports is barely worth a mention. The case of Jazz Jennings, “trans kid” activist and TV celebrity, demonstrates this harm. Kristina Olson spoke positively of it at the 2017 conference.
Here’s Jazz Jennings when she was little. I wish she was in my study [giggles]. I like to think about her as…when I think about the conclusions of the study because I think for anyone who’s like seen her or seen her show, I think she kind of well, demonstrates a lot of the basic findings that we have that she seems by all accounts to be doing well, a happy kid. She has like a supportive family. And she also, you know, does things, like if you didn’t know she was trans, nothing that she said would seem particularly striking to you. She would just seem like any other girl, and that is what we are finding so far, by and large.
Florida Sentinel, but a more pleasing picture has replaced this one for some reason
By age 17 Jazz had puberty-blocker-stunted genitalia, no sexual feelings, and had a severely botched vaginoplasty surgery that needed several revisions after it became pre-necrotic and collapsed. Jazz’s mother had put the child’s personal life on television for all the world to see. She would joke about forcing her child to dilate (the surgical wound closes up otherwise, always, for life). She shamed Jazz for talking about the difficulties with surgery in an interview because it would scare parents. At the latest airings of I Am Jazz, Jazz was suffering obesity and serious depression.
Yahoo News
Leading affirmative model advocate health professionals Diane Ehrensaft and Dan Karasic believe that nonverbal autistic children should receive puberty blocker and medical body modification underage based on communicating through their drawings. I will link an article on “facilitated communication” to highlight why clinician interpretation of verbally disabled peoples’ intent is very problematic.
Following a brief anecdote from Karasic about a 17-year-old severely autistic male patient who “is very clearly trans,” is benefiting from being on estrogen, and “if anything is just impatient for more feminization and wishes they had gotten treated earlier,” Ehrensaft makes her first contribution to the discussion.
Ehrensaft suggests that the problem in such cases is with the assessment requirements being “neuro-typically designed,” which was met with a murmur of agreement from the audience. She advises explaining that other measures were used to find out information about the patient, and “simply educate people that there are different ways of knowing.”
“We may have to depend on parents; we may have to depend on drawings,” said Ehrensaft.
Below is a link to a video highlighting a case where a non-verbal young woman with cerebral palsy, who started transitioning in high school, has people around her circulating her transition on social media, including videos of her with her mastectomy scars. Her parents are far-left, vocal DEI advocates activists. I am choosing this clip because this person’s identity is anonymous.
Not offering minors aged 9-17 health impacting, chemical castrating, sterilizing, sexuality damaging and brain rewiring drugs to growing adolescents and schizophrenic adults is far more upsetting to affirmative model advocates than any of the extreme cases in the WPATH files or those listed in this article. Ultimately, this is not a battle involving what the “evidence-based” facts are. This is a battle of worldviews and emotions.
*This article will be updated over time with other relevant examples