Dr. Eve Browning Punishes a Bisexual Student at the University of Texas for Correctly Observering LGB People are Oppressed and Murdered in Islamic Countries LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingOctober 26, 2017articles, censorship, bisexual, discrimination, islam, koran, bisexual men, lgb, rightsComment
In the Wake of the Orlando Attacks It’s Important to Acknowledge That Gay Men Aren’t A Privileged Group Relative to Other LGBT People LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingMay 24, 2016gay, orlando shooting, islam, articlesComment
LGBTQ Student Union Group at Goldsmiths University of London Condemned a Moderate Intellectual Woman- Because She Criticizes Muslims Throwing Gay Men Off of Buildings LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingDecember 15, 2015feminism, extremism, islam, articles, discrimination, lgbtq, college