The Human Right to Desistance: A Response to Kristina Olson's Pro Underage Trans Medicalization Scientific American Article LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingMay 24, 2021articles, lgbt, human, rights, kristina olson, health, side effects, medical
Study on Programs Helping Lesbian/Bisexual Women to Live Healthier Lives LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingAugust 19, 2016lesbian, bisexual, articles, healthComment
A Review of the National Health Survey Reveals Gays and Lesbians at Higher Risk for Health Problems But Again Bisexuals Top the List LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingJuly 7, 2016health, mental health, gay, lesbian, bisexual, articlesComment
Reasons Why it is Important to Note Lesbians and Bisexuals Are Not Always the Same: Bisexuals May Have Higher Rates of Eating Disorders LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingSeptember 3, 2015lesbian, research, articles, bisexual women, health
Highly Skeptical About University of Notre Dame Bisexuality Study LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingJuly 28, 2015research, articles, bisexual women, health
Obesity Study Showing Lesbians with a Higher Obesity Rate is a No Brainer LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingJuly 15, 2015lesbian, gay, obesity, POCS, eating disorders, research, articles, health
Women Need to Be Able to Talk About Their Bodies without Harassment from Trans Activists LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingFebruary 9, 2015mental health, cotton ceiling, transgender, extremism, body, positivity, articles, vagina, health