Obesity Study Showing Lesbians with a Higher Obesity Rate is a No Brainer


The National Institutes of Health spent more than $3.5 million to study obesity in the United States. The study shows that a lot of American women are overweight. About 1/2 of heterosexual women and 3/4 of lesbian women are overweight. So this study shows lesbians are 25% more likely to be overweight than straight women. That rate is similar to that of African American women in general, so there are multiple cultural factors that affect weight. 

And of course, the right-wing media had a field day over how heterosexuality keeps you thin. But this study also shows that straight men are twice as likely to be overweight as gay men. So the effect of sexual orientation on obesity is greater for straight men than lesbians. But lesbian hating right-wing sites won’t bother to mention this in their lesbian bashing headlines. The reasons for these numbers are obvious. Straight women and gay men have to please men. Gay men are also more likely than straight men to have eating disorders. Lesbian, like all humans, can be some of the most love and relationship addicted people around. If lesbians thought they could not get girlfriends unless they were skinny, many would be sweating to P90X right now. Regardless, I’m for taking care of your physical health and looks but without the unhealthy obsessive mirror-gazing straight women and gay men often do.

However, there is a biological factor that may contribute to this that is good to be aware of. Lesbians may be more likely to be affected by POCS, a condition that affects fertility and is caused by an increased level of androgens but also causes insulin resistance, which can cause weight gain. It would make sense that increased androgens could affect sexual orientation. Not that this is a problem but it’s just good to be aware of this health issue.

Obesity Study article-http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/us-government-spends-3-5m-on-lesbian-obesity-study/

Gay Men and Eating Disorders-http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070413160923.htm