Letter of Concern Sent to LGBT Rights, Health, Media Orgs Over Youth Being Misdiagnosed as Transgender LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingJanuary 24, 2017gender dysphoria, lgbt organizations, psychology, mental health, lgbt media, articles, activismComment
Lesbophobia in Queer Culture and Why Queer Websites Like Autostraddle and AfterEllen Enable it LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingJanuary 18, 2017lgbt media, lesbian, articles, videos, activismComment
The Collapse of the Lesbian Community and Why You Should Resist It LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingSeptember 29, 2016lgbt media, conflicts, cotton ceiling, genderqueer, nonbinary, gender dysphoria, articles, videosComment
The Huffington Post Prints an Article that States the Mental and Physical Health of Trans Girls Should be Prioritized Over GNC Gay Boys LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingJuly 13, 2016gender dysphoria, gay, lgbt media, articles, youth, activismComment
Drop the T Campaign Started By Some Gays/Lesbians: I Don’t Agree LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingNovember 9, 2015conflicts, drop the t, lgbt organizations, lgbt media, articles, transgender, extremism, identity politics
Lesbians and Queer Culture LGBTQ NewsJustine DeterlingMay 13, 2015lgbt media, lesbian, conflicts, articles