Alert: Eugenics – The Most Serious LGBT Issue in the Western World. Scientist Tests for Homosexuality with 67% Accuracy
Gay Star News: "Gay scientist quits research after finding saliva test that predicts sexuality"
"Study claims genetic test is 67% accurate when tested on male twins; lead researcher expresses concerns over the ramifications of his findings."
These biomedical issue will be the battle for LGBT rights in the future. I wish the fact that we have achieved equal civil rights/marriage rights in the Western world would mean an end to the exhaustive vigilance we have needed to have around our right to exist and live freely. Research in genetics and medicine will create many moral challenges in the future, not just around LGBT issues but for other groups as well. In the near future, people with money aren't going to reproduce naturally. Screenings for genetic diseases are already happening, and soon it will be commonplace for babies to be created from egg and sperm that have been genetically tested. This will eliminate all kinds or terrible diseases. No one wants to watch their child experience the horrific suffering of cystic fibrosis.
However, creating designer babies is a huge risk. "Undesirable" fetuses with Down syndrome are already being aborted at a rate of 92% apparently. And large numbers of perfectly healthy female fetuses are aborted every year in China and other countries. There is absolutely zero reason to believe that parents, even in gay tolerant countries, won't test for homosexuality if they could and avoid creating children that may possibly turn out to be LGBT. This could be more of a threat to us then homophobia has been, as it could reduce our already small populations. As if finding partners as a gay man or a lesbian isn't difficult enough with our tiny, incestuous dating pools. The only solace I find in this research that can identify a gay man is that if straight people try to erase us from existence based on this I suppose we gay men, bisexuals, and lesbians can get together and create our own little genetically selected queer baby flock of our own. And perhaps some progressive liberal hetero moms who are huge Broadway musical fans, and would love a little gayby, may do the same. But this isn't a society I want to live in.
I would love to sit back and bask in the wonderful things that have happened in the last ten years. We just can't afford to do that. I am not trying to fear monger or depress LGBT people. These issues are going to affect all of humanity. If you read about the futurist movement (Ray Kurzweil is its most well-known thinker) you will understand that science may become so advanced that we may be able to download our personalities onto other substrates creating a situation where rich people don't actually ever die. Science and morality are the issues of the future. Let's stick together to make sure we don't wind up being the canaries in the coal mine.
And now for your listening pleasure, a beautiful love ballad about fascist eugenics: Goldfrapp's "Utopia"