It’s the End of the World Where Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Youth Outgrow Gender Dysphoria without Extreme Medical Interventions (& You Feel Fine) Part 1
Why the medical defacement of LGB youth is inevitable with the enthusiastic rise of the “trans child” movement.
New Video
Below is a written version of the content.
I am going to do a series of videos on how medicalizing gender non-conforming young people is going to impact LGB youth and not just youth who are certain to seek medical transition for gender dysphoria as a mature trans-identified adult.
Part 1: Permanently Medically Altering Minors- The New Norm of Extreme and Experimental Medical Treatments on Gender-Nonconforming Children and Teenagers
The trendy view among LGBT activists, queer-identified under 35’s, liberals, academics, and some very powerful psychologists and doctors—is that “gender is a spectrum.” This is a distortion and a distortion with an agenda. The term spectrum elicits images of a gradation between two ends, like a rainbow is a spectrum:
And while the number of trans-identified people has significantly increased in the last several years, they are still a very small percent of the population. Here is a more accurate representation of people with gender issues:
This is what is what is being taught by organizations like Gender Spectrum and Trans Youth Equality to children in schools:
Trans Youth Equality, Gender Spectrum educational graphic
Gender is not a spectrum. Gender dysphoria is a spectrum.
And because gender dysphoria is a spectrum, we are entering an era where it’s inevitable that some bisexual, gay, and lesbian youth’s path to identity formation and self-acceptance will be sacrificed to provide minors easy access to medical transition for gender dysphoria:
The consequences of this to them will be very serious. Some of the consequences will be sterilization, irreversible double mastectomies, nerve damage, voice alteration, surgical genital disfigurement, permanent loss of sexual function, and impacts on bone health and cognition. And I wanted to make this video to try to convince lesbian, gay, and bisexual people who don’t already care, to care about what is going to be a human rights violation against confused young people who have not achieved fully mature executive function which doesn’t happen until age 25.
Because if you don’t, very few will. Not LGBT organizations, who have some members making six-figures a year and are receiving millions in funding to promote transing kids. Not left-leaning educators who want to appear as validating and progressive and open-minded as possible. Not Academia whose gender studies classes are anti-science postmodern ideology which is now infecting actual sciences. Despite the fact, it should be the other way around.
Not most of the media who are too apathetic and lazy to discuss this issue truthfully and even intentionally hide the risks to pre-LGB kids and confused same-sex attracted teenagers and young adults. And definitely not trans activists, nor should anyone expect them to care as people are self-interested. And promoting gender spectrum concepts and child “sex changes” serves their agenda of eradicating concepts of biological sex and promoting the importance of children cosmetically passing, despite health risks.
And most disturbingly, not even the gender therapists and doctors aggressively promoting this, some who are just trying their best to help a beleaguered population and some who have Messiah complexes or God complexes or both. At least I have seen almost no evidence that they care in the five years I have spent researching this as a concerned, bisexual tomboy layperson who had some transient but intense dysphoria as a tween and a lesbian spouse who did as a child.
And I hope to convince you, LGB people, that like trans people, we are also members of tiny, vulnerable minority groups who have a right to feel invested in how gender-nonconforming children and teens are being raised. And what effects in vogue gender ideology and removal of age of consent laws for permanent medical changes is having on them. Because it is affecting them as LGBT media and organizations, and pro-child-transition health professionals, and academics, and mainstream media continue to obscure the reality that there is really no clear demarcation between gender nonconforming LGB and trans in young people before their brains have fully matured in their mid-twenties.
Imagine what the reaction would be from any other minority group, in any society in the world where they experienced discrimination, if some of their children had a condition that compelled them to intensely despise their bodies because they desperately wanted to conform to the norms of the dominate and more greatly powerful and valued majority, rather than be something different and something often bullied and maligned for not being “normal.”
Image a significant number of them would grow out of these feelings, but to serve the ones who would not, all of these children and teens would be actively encouraged and validated in the rejection of their bodies and biological reality. Imagine they were subjected to toxic skin bleaching, surgical eyelid cutting, and nose jobs under the age of eighteen. Imagine they would be sterilized in the interest of achieving these cosmetic results to relieve distress so they fit in better with the societal norm.
Imagine that with certainty, some of the young people subjected to these procedures would have simply overcome their distress if given proper mental health support, or even just left the heck alone to grow up and work themselves out. The way they were left the heck alone before skin bleaching and eyelid cutting and nose jobs and procedures that caused sterility were products offered to a public who wants them.
Imagine individuals within these vulnerable communities were turned against each other and were bitterly at each other’s throats over disagreement about this being the right thing to do. And that it was tearing their communities apart, causing infighting, finger-pointing, destroyed long-term friendships, and hate amongst them. Wouldn’t that be sad? Because that is what is happening to us, as lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.
Is this ethnic analogy hyperbole or offensive? Why? Why is amputating the breasts of a sixteen-year-old lesbian before she has even had her first sexual experience, who will have transition regret later, different than this? What is more progressive and “affirming,” about the possibility of a pre-gay, effeminate male, having his brain rewired with powerful chemicals and his sexuality permanently destroyed, which is what the hormone blocker to estrogen protocol does?
Many are arguing that gender dysphoric children have a human right to socially and medically transition underage. And they are getting their way with gender clinics opening up everywhere all across the Western World like franchises and celebrities like Elon Musk and Grimes raising genderless “theybies.” What’s lost on people caught up in child-transition cheerleading is that they should care there is a human right to just grow up without being subjected to medical defacement, facilitated by the mental health profession, and therapy community, and doctors. The concept of that human right is ignored by huge swaths of society where very well-funded trans activism has achieved full institutional capture and is not telling the whole story.
In the next few videos:
I will argue why a human rights violation involving pointless and harmful medical procedures on gender-nonconforming children, teenagers, and young adults is inevitable.
I will talk about the seriousness of the psychological and medical consequences to these inconvenient false positives.
I will point out that gender-affirming advocates appear to have merely decided false positives on confused grey area youth, who are mostly LGB, are morally acceptable collateral damage for trans-positive healthcare.
I will discuss the implications for each of the populations most affected by this, the gay, lesbian, and bisexual populations.
And I will talk about how all of this is turning people against each other within gay and bisexual circles.
In this introductory video, I will talk about why it will be very difficult to stop irreversible medical treatments on younger and younger minors from becoming the new norm, which it already is in the United States and elsewhere.
I want to do these videos for people, especially LGB people who are worried about this who may not have had the time to comb through all of this data and discourse to help you articulate to people… there are reasons to worry about this. They will be fairly in-depth because I like details, but I think they will clearly lay out why so many people are becoming alarmed by what is going on.
The reason I know a lot about this topic is I began obsessively researching it about five years ago when I started to hear about LGB people and feminists talk about pediatric medical transition and other conflicts they had with trans activism in general. I initially thought pediatric medical transition likely had good justifications and a good screening process to protect would-be LGB adults who may have dysphoria as kids, as all research shows they can.
I don’t believe that now after my journey of reading almost all of the relevant peer-reviewed research, reading viewpoints from trans people, parents, academics, mental health professionals, doctors, gay and lesbian people and listening to hours of presentations from pro pediatric transition doctors and therapists and attending their gender conferences myself.
And I was concerned enough to form a medical watchdog and cultural watchdog organization around pediatric transition and postmodern influenced gender ideology with other LGB people and trans people who do not support medicalizing minors called Gender Health Query (or So, I just want to say, I am a layperson and not a social scientist, but I am a very well informed just because I’m a little compulsive and a lot worried.
Anyone who follows this issue closely notices how ignorant some supposed health professionals are about the seriousness of the damage we are starting to see to at least some young people. They are even ignorant about the previous research on pre-gay kids, and their struggles with gender dysphoria, as this gender affirmative “let the child lead” model has swept over the mental health and medical community.
Some of these ignorants, and parents email our organization to tell us about them, are directly facilitating life-changing medical treatments for minors themselves, like the ones in the story a dad sent us. I want to read this to you because it lays out a lot of the complicated issues involved here, and you will see some see health professionals will really not be able to tell who just needs more time to grow up rather than be permanently medically altered. Because they are medically transitioning underage kids. And yes, teens are still kids who in some way are more impulsive and more of a danger to themselves them smaller children are:
Briefly, I would like to share that my daughter, who has recently desisted (meaning outgrew gender dysphoria), had identified as transgender (FTM) for over 2 years, from age 13-15. During this entire period, she regularly pressured me and my ex that she needed medicalization with hormones. I very carefully resisted the pressure while showing support. My ex, however, was very supportive and showed eager willingness to allow her to medicalize. My ex also used my resistance to medicalization to try to show family court I was not supportive of my daughter's coming out as TG. My ex exploited this (along with some parent/child conflict) in an attempt to limit my parental rights and parenting time. This was a source of great conflict, for us as co-parents. Throughout her court challenge, a few mental health professionals were brought to the case to give opinions.
We also hired an LGBTQ "specialist" for therapy for my daughter. All the mental health pro's recommended the affirmation approach and encouraged seeking out consultation for puberty blocking or hormone therapy. At one point, in the presence of my child, I asked the LGBTQ specialist if she, and my daughter, had discussed testosterone therapy and its side effects. She replied that, yes, they had. I asked, "Have you had the conversation about how blockers to 'T' has irreversible side-effects" The "specialist" flatly denied that this was true, to me, in front of my child. She stated that the effects are reversible. I know that this is not true, as I had done diligent research on TG medicalization. I was appalled that a therapist claiming to be a transgender specialist would be so uninformed. She was also unaware of what WPATH was.
Recently, My daughter has desisted and is back to identifying as her natal gender. The cessation of the two years of identification happened almost as fast as her coming out as TG two years prior. It terrifies me to think that, had I lost parenting rights/decision making during my ex's court challenge, my daughter may have been allowed to medicalize her transition. It terrifies me that there is a mental health community (who may have very little understanding/training/information) that is encouraging medicalization of children.
Through the process of transition, I reluctantly consented to a consultation at the Children's Hospital Transgender Clinic here in ****. I consented under pressure from my ex with her court case. I felt I had to show that I was supportive of my child's TG identification. Fortunately, there was a 6+ month waitlist for a consultation. I fear if we had gone to our consultation, the TG Clinic might have recommended hormone therapy. This would give my ex more professional backing (along with other mental health professionals opinions) to either pressure me to consent to medicalization or, worse, the court to limit my parental decision-making rights. Luckily my daughter desisted before her name came up on the waitlist.
When I called the Transgender clinic to remove my daughter's name from the waitlist, I asked the staff member if the TG Clinic kept data and statistics of children who were in the program, or on the waitlist, who had dropped out due to desistance. She said she was not aware of any data collection of that type. There seems to be so much disinformation on desistance rates for TG kids. I feel desistance rates are under-reported. I feel, during this era where child referrals to TG clinics have skyrocketed (particularly for teen FTM's), there needs to be reliable data collection on desistance rates to be used for additional research.
So, I'd like to remind everybody when you hear commentary in news articles from supposed experts that mental health and medical professionals have a very long list of incidences in history where they promoted harmful practices in responses to ideological fads.
I am a centrist person in that I try to look at all sides of every issue and prefer to make data-based arguments when possible. And there is some preliminary data that shows some positive effects from early interventions. Recorded regret rates from most older studies involving adults are extremely low. There are also other studies that call into question how effective medical transition is in the long run in reducing suicide attempts and if overall benefits to mental health can be sustained for years. There are definite negative impacts on physical health.
Pro early transition arguments are promoted by every LGBT organization and liberal media news site, and I encourage you to hear them and do your own research. We cover the positive research on Some youth are extremely distressed about their gender and I understand why people feel strongly motivated to relieve this distress and latch on to this positive data. But there are costs and risks, and people who are enabling this protocol must be held responsible for them.
What are the medical consequences to minors who transition?
In order to have an informed discussion about the ethics of transing kids and the seriousness of this matter, the LGB public needs to understand that these gender clinics are not tapping children on the heads with rainbow glitter sparkle magic wands to turn them into the boys and girls they want to be. They are giving them very powerful drugs and performing risky, experimental surgeries on them under-age. They are doing this with no control groups to determine if they are preventing any youth from outgrowing the gender dysphoria with these practices as all past studies show some do. Most good trans ally LGB people have no idea about the ramifications of medical transition when they retweet the plethora of happy-clappy trans child articles widely circulated in the media.
Arty Morty, a gay man who has been doing some good videos on why trans activism is contrary to the interests of the women's rights and gay rights, advocates to stop using the term "trans kids" which sounds harmless, cute, and progressive and to start using the term "transsexual kid." Because they are becoming medical transsexuals young enough to avoid a natural puberty all together. Doctors are giving them hormone blockers as young as nine years old for females and eleven for males and surgeons are doing double mastectomies on 12-year-olds and vaginoplasties, an extreme and risky surgery, on 17 year-olds, maybe younger. In the US, the activist push is to remove all age of consent laws.
Gender affirmative model advocate Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, who is married to an FtM, works out of Children's Hospital in Los Angeles. She argues it is ideal for surgeons to do vaginoplasties under the age of 18. Because these MtFs are too immature to adhere to the surgical dilation regimen. The body treats the vaginoplasty as a surgical wound that requires the insertion of phallic-shaped objects to keep it from closing up to heal itself.
This creates what Olson-Kennedy describes as a crisis situation. And if they are still living at home, the parents can enforce the dilation schedule. So, they are old enough to agree to a life-altering and risky surgery, but they are not old enough to properly caretake their surgical wounds regardless of how serious the consequences to them are in not doing so. But the youth will pass better. This is the gender affirmative model in a nutshell.
What really are the side effects of hormone blockers currently marketed as "safe" and "fully reversible" with multiple top affirmative psychologists, doctors, and LGBT organizations making this claim? One could call these claims… dishonest. While it is true if the blockers are stopped their pubertal process will return, there are multiple serious impacts hormone blockers have and some serious effects people should worry they might have.
I will start with the one I'd argue is a pretty significant consequence for males who want to be girls- a complete and permanent destruction of the ability to have an orgasm for males who undergo the hormone blocker to estrogen protocol, who will now need a painful and untested vaginoplasty surgery as they will have the genitalia only a pedophile will be interested in. Hormone blockers affect the pituitary gland in ways that prevent the pubertal body from producing sex hormones. This stunts the growth of the penis. Doctors who promote this protocol discuss this issue at gender conferences and in FB groups in ways it seems this side-effect and its ramifications were merely an afterthought. No really. You will see a list of citations in the video description. Safety, sexual function, and long-term health appear to be secondary concerns to ensuring the minor will feel validated and cosmetically pass better in these circles.
Because these dysphoric males will have the penis of a 10-year-old child, they can't do what is called the "Gold Standard" vaginoplasty, which turns an adult penis inward. Instead, they have to cut out a portion of the peritoneal lining around the stomach or the colon and flesh from the inner thigh to create a cavity to mimic a vagina. This is a totally experimental procedure that is being done on minors.
Some trans people are so dysphoric about their genitals that they totally dissociate from them. But not all. So why is doing this to children ethical given that some MtFs do not even want bottom surgery? This is a major life choice that doctors have now destroyed when the child was encouraged in an early social transition at age five and given hormone blockers when barely a tween.
If you try to bring this up the self-righteous who support this protocol and think you are a horrible person for questioning it, ask you why you are obsessed with kids' genitals as some kind of ad hominin and red herring reversal argument.
Adults need to talk about this because kids at the crack of puberty do not understand sexuality. They do not understand how they are going to want to relate to sexuality. They do not understand the importance of sex in having a fully realized adult romantic relationship, which will now be impossible. They do not understand a vast majority of men will not view their surgically altered penis and colon and thigh leg graph as a literal vagina. They do not understand what it will be like to have to go through multiple surgeries later when the vaginoplasty collapses, as can happen.
They do not understand that there are males with sexual orientations (called gynoandromorphaphilia) who may love them the way they are even if they don't get bottom surgery and may prefer them that way. And they don't understand that if we could depornify and defetishize the culture around males with this sexual orientation maybe effeminate males could find quality relationships with less expensive and precarious plastic surgery procedures.
Like this naive young person didn't know these things in the example I am about to read you written by a concerned mother:
Jazz Jennings was a trans kid reality star, who by Jazz’s own admission has no idea what sexual desire feels like because Jazz was put on hormone blockers at age 11. Jazz’s vaginoplasty surgery was celebrated across America with the symbolic cutting of a penis-shaped cake to commemorate this event.
Sun Sentinel. “A complication, 'crazy pain,' as South Florida trans teen Jazz Jennings gets confirmation surgery”
This is Jazz post-surgery. At one point Jazz heard the vaginoplasty go pop as it completely fall apart. Jazz has now had multiple surgeries to correct this and describes the ordeal as being extremely painful. It is highly unlikely Jazz will ever have any real sensation and have any chance at a normal intimate relationship.
Do I want to talk about this? No, I do not. I hate it. I do not want to exploit this person more than this person has already been exploited. But Jazz is an adult now in the public eye and is being used to glorify and market these procedures to minors and their parents. I hope Jazz goes on to have the best life possible, and all of this was worth it to Jazz. I really do. But people need to be educated about the seriousness of what doctors are doing to children and teens and own what the consequences are, as it’s the adults, not the youths, who are responsible for these consequences.
And the exploitation process started with Jazz’s mother, who put Jazz on television as a little kid. Parents, please do not parade your trans-identified child around in public for show and tell even if trans activists tell you you are saving the world, and it will make you lots of money. It may make them feel social pressure to transition, and it reveals too much very personal information.
These are not the only examples of vaginoplasty disasters out there like that. Maybe many adults are happy with vaginoplasty results. There is a myriad of vaginoplasty gone wrong stories that are horrific that beg the question if a barely tween can fully comprehend risks when they go on the hormone blocker that will lead to this outcome if they go on cross-sex hormones. I am not trying to disparage the poor souls in these situations, often the victims of quack doctors exploiting their unhappiness. I just think it is very necessary to smack away the rose-colored glasses people have who view this as positive and progressive that we can medicalize an 11-year-old, so they pass better.
This more extreme bottom surgery negates the common argument that they will need less intense surgeries (like a mandible shave) later if they transition young. They are not avoiding intense surgery here by creating a situation where they will have a child’s sex organs at the age of 18.
Another side-effect of the hormone blocker to cross-sex hormone protocol is sterility. These youths never sexually mature naturally, so they will likely not be able to have their own offspring if they are transitioned as young as age ten or eleven. Sterilizing a minor for something that isn’t a fatal disease and no, puberty is not a fatal disease, would be considered unethical in any other situation. Many doctors will not even sterilize grown women who know they don’t want children. And lately, there have been many stories about MtFs and FtMs who have biological children or who say they want them. A 12-year-old cannot know if children may be extremely important to them later.
Here is a graph representing lower bone density due to hormone blockers:
Hormone blockers negatively impact bone health because a natural puberty is necessary to form normal levels of bone density, which is related to hormone production. Some of these young people will be starting life with the bone density of someone who is much older. So, it’s unknown what will happen to their bones when they actually become older.
Adolescence is a time of major brain matter increases and changes in brain organization. There are many ways the brain could be affected by arresting a natural puberty that affects things like mood and anxiety and IQ.
Schneider et al.(2017): “Brain Maturation, Cognition and Voice Pattern in a Gender Dysphoria Case under Pubertal Suppression”
Hormone blockers appear to reduce cognitive function and lower IQ test scores by up to 9 points, as you can see in this one case study.
The score is 80 at age 10. It goes down to 71 at age 13 and 70 by age 14. IQ is highly correlated with things like career performance and earned income, and a 10-point drop is very significant. Maybe these trade-offs are worth it to a trans-identified person to pass better, but one cannot seriously claim a child understands the big picture of these trade-offs.
Testosterone in puberty affects brain matter organization, so the blockers to estrogen protocol will change who that person would have been by changing their brain wiring. Or it will change the female who takes it, where testosterone can cause the person to feel less emotions. They are finding even giving girls birth control pills may have lasting effects on them in adulthood. A new study has come out showing they are significantly more likely to be depressed if they were given birth control pills as teenagers. It’s just another example of big, long-term ramifications of totally altering a natural puberty and hormone balance in a young person.
It’s very interesting to read the bone density and IQ studies and how much the negative results are downplayed by the researchers who seem very much to want to present these papers with a positive tone. You see this a lot, and it’s one reason why we formed Gender Health Query.
Here is another alarming reality about puberty blockers- it appears that studies on cohorts given puberty blockers have almost no children who desist from their gender dysphoria as they grow into their teens, as all studies showed they would in the past. Some gender clinicians believe puberty blockers are preventing the youth from aligning with the realities of their biological sex. Some have stated having some distress in puberty and getting through it and adapting to the body's sex hormones may be a necessary part of how some of these kids grow up to be gay or lesbian, not trans.
Dr. Lisa Simons, a pediatrician at Lurie Children’s, discusses the reality that doctors don’t fully understand how hormones affect brain development in adolescence, or how blocking this process may affect them. She tells PBS that studies that look at the “neurocognitive effects” of puberty blockers are lacking and:
The bottom line is we don’t really know how sex hormones impact any adolescent’s brain development…We know that there’s a lot of brain development between childhood and adulthood, but it’s not clear what’s behind that.
We don’t know exactly, but the little evidence we have suggests brain development is affected.
There is also the possibility that the use of these hormone blockers could cause a myriad of severe side effects long-term into adulthood. There are many women comings forward to claim that the hormone blocker Lupron, often used in these gender clinics, has caused extremely serious side effects for them. These women took Lupron as a child to halt negative impacts of a too early “precocious puberty” or for other reasons like endometriosis as an adult.
More than 10,000 adverse event reports filed with the FDA reflect the experiences of women who’ve taken Lupron. The reports describe everything from brittle bones to faulty joints.
And here are some claimed side effects quoting form a post on Righting Injustice:
Last month, the FDA required the safety labels of GnRH agonists to be updated to include new psychiatric side effects causing emotional lability such as crying, irritability, impatient, anger and aggression. The labels were also updated with a warning that use of the drugs were linked to convulsions, particularly in patients with a history of seizures, epilepsy, cerebrovascular disorders, central nervous system anomalies or tumors, and in patients taking drugs that can increase the risk of convulsions, such as bupropion and SSRIs.
Other claimed side effects are deteriorating jaw joints, degenerative disks, growth of preexisting tumors, deteriorating vision, exacerbation of asthma, osteopenia, memory loss, hair loss, and fibromyalgia. In adult men, some of the labeled risks of Lupron are heart attacks, strokes, and sudden death.
So, when people claim hormone blockers are fully reversible, even on Children’s Hospitals’ websites, in major cities, associated with prominent universities, there aren’t good studies to know the full extent of the effects of blockers on the brain, body, fertility, sex organs, or on desistance, to state that.
So, if you support all of this, if you are one of the many progressive LGB people who demonize concerned LGB people worried about this every day on social media and elsewhere, do understand there are profound consequences to the blocker to estrogen protocol.
Do understand the are consequences with the rectosigmoid vaginoplasty I mentioned.
Do understand many women state that Lupron seriously damaged their health.
Do understand you may be supporting negatively impacting their intelligence for the rest of their lives.
When you believe sterilizing children is no big deal because they will look “more normal” (Dr. Norman Spack’s word), do understand that many trans people want biological children, and many MtFs do not want their sex organs medicalized, sliced up, and impacted in that way.
Do understand these young people may never experience sexual desire even once in their life because kids don’t understand all this. Adults do. And it is adults who support this who will need to own any damage that happens from it.
So, when LGBT organizations and media, and pro transition parents, and therapists, and doctors tell you hormone blockers are “safe and revisable” it means they are not informed or do not believe the previous side-effects listed here matter at all or that it matters if this interferes with the development of the youth’s likely gay or lesbian sexual identity formation. It may give parents pause and the public pause and get in the way of what their goal is.
And their goal is to facilitate social and medical transition on distressed minors, under an experimental process, resulting in extreme body modification, with no control group to prove they aren’t creating false positives, on a generation of guinea pigs.
And I haven't covered the list of other health consequences the rapidly expanding young trans population will have to look forward to as adults such as: increased risk of heart attack in FtMs, intense pain for FtMs during sex due to vaginal atrophy even just a couple of years into transition, nerve damage and phantom pain from double mastectomy, repeat vaginoplasty surgeries, liver problems, and possible cancer risks from transitioning at such young ages.
So thank you for listening to this intro video for "It's The End of the World Where LBG Youth Outgrow Gender Dysphoria without Extreme Medical Intervention & You Feel Fine." The next video will cover the reality that it will be very hard to prevent pediatric transition from becoming the new normal due to gender dysphoria's intensity and the parents' wishes to go along with their children's demands.