A GHQ Supporter Statement

Gender Health Query


Increase in gender dysphoria at GIDs in the UK

by a concerned gay man

As a gay man I’m very concerned about the medicalization of children to change their “gender.” Not all children with dysphoria persist into adulthood, and those who desist often grow up to become healthy lesbian and gay adults. Puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries are extreme life-altering decisions that children aren’t mature enough to make. They may grow up to regret these decisions. I fear that as a society we may have become misguided into erasing lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth in an effort to relieve gender dysphoria.

Also, I’m concerned about the current trend in LGBT organizations to define sexual orientation as based on “gender identity” rather than sex. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth are being taught to think that not dating transgender individuals is transphobic. I’m worried they are being pressured into sexual relationships that they may not want for fear of being called bigoted. Sexual orientation is based on biological sex, and the sexual boundaries of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals should be respected.